
Contemporary Framed Prints

Take the guesswork out of selecting a frame for your photo with Contemporary Framed Prints. These photo prints arrive ready to hang in a photo frame that is sure to complement your decor. You can decorate your own home or office with the framed photos or give them as gifts for special occasions.

Make a Mod Statement With Your Photos

With its sleek, minimalist design, the wooden frame of the Contemporary Framed Prints is perfect for modern interiors. The frame is built in the USA out of high-quality wood and comes in your choice of deep black or rich walnut finishes. To capture every detail of your image, your photo is printed on acid-free photo paper with a 12-ink set of colors. If you wish, you can add a 100% wood fiber core mat to the frame, choosing from cream, white or black options.

Hangs Easily at Home or the Office

Available in seven sizes, the Contemporary Framed Prints can fit into any home or office. On the back of the frame, you'll find hardware anchored in place to simplify hanging. Turn photos saved on your computer, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr or Google into beautiful, modern, framed prints today.

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